giovedì 4 agosto 2016


Read more at location 677
Note: 5@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ se la musica esprime le emozioni occorre una teoria dell espressione una teoria dell espressione è una teoria estetica anti realista: il bello nn è una proprietà degli oggetti ma un esperienza interiore. esprimere = comunicare l indescrivibile. es far capre cos è il sapore dolce rinviando chi ascolta ad una esperienza i 4 test: convenzione/esperienza...comprensione... valore... struttura la musica come metafora delle emozioni ci si esprime senza riferirsi ad oggetti ma x simpatia la relazione con l opera è una relazione umana x questo implica vizi e virtù la musica congiunge i soggetti che si comunicano ciò che nn si può comunicare l arte mette in relazione il ns solipsismo. è una prova che quando parliamo del colore blu parliamo della stessa sensazione Edit
This is the genius of Schubert, that he is able to express the whole range of human emotions, and to do so by `imprinting' those emotions `into the notes'.Read more at location 686
a theory of musical expression must pass certainRead more at location 688
(1) The `semaphore test'. Musical meaning is not established by convention, assigning meanings to musical objects in the manner of a code of semaphore signals. The meaning of a work of music is given only in the aesthetic experience, and is not available simply by applying rules.Read more at location 689
The `understanding test'. The meaning of a piece of music is what we understand when we understand it as music. (This parallels a well-known thought of Frege's concerning the meaning of a sentence.) Most existing accounts of expression fail to pass this test-or at least, fail to show that they can pass it. We just do not know what is proved by them, or whether anything important is being said-for instance by Peter Kivy, when he points to the way in which the shape of a musical phrase may `resemble' the shape of an emotion.2 As I pointed out in Chapter 3, it was Wittgenstein's important insight that the key concept in the philosophy of music is not that of expression or meaning, but that of understanding.Read more at location 691
The `value test'. A piece of music expresses something only if it is expressive, and expressiveness is an aesthetic value.Read more at location 695
Note: VALUE Edit
it seems quite possible to understand an expressive piece of music and at the same time to deny that it is expressive-or at least, to deny that there is anything, besides itself, that the music means.Read more at location 701
Hanslick and Stravinsky,Read more at location 703
Secondly, and relatedly, we find it almost impossible, and in any case hardly necessary, to detach the meaning from the music and to give it a name. The meaning resides in the music,Read more at location 704
My contention is that, if we are to develop a concept of expression which passes those four stringent tests, and which also explains the two observations that I have appended to them, we must in the first instance remove our attention from the musical work and focus it instead on the response of the listenerRead more at location 707
It means only that understanding and describing are two different activities-just as they are in human relations (of which our relation to music is after all only a special case). Read more at location 712
Giving their meaning is like giving the meaning of a metaphor:Read more at location 716
The rightness of the description has to be heard in the notes.3 Read more at location 720
are intentional states.Read more at location 721
B. Emotions are motives for action.Read more at location 722
C. Emotions can be justified-bothRead more at location 723
D. Inter-personal emotions are, or involve, complex forms of social adjustment.Read more at location 724
To put the point in another way: self-conscious subjects put themselves into their emotions, and express themselves through them.Read more at location 730
Hanslick regarded the intentionality of emotion as posing an insuperable objection to the expressive theory of music. Music could express an emotion, he thought, only if it could also depict the objects of emotion. But music is an abstract (i.e. non-representational) art-form, in which genuine depiction is impossible.Read more at location 735
When we respond to another's emotion we don't necessarily know anything about its object.Read more at location 737
Note: REPLICA Edit
If our responses to music are forms of sympathy, then Hanslick's objection is without force:Read more at location 738
As Adam Smith plausibly argued, sympathy lies at the heart of our moral nature, and is our primary resource in the regulation of social life.4 We are therefore alert to the corruptions of sympathy, such as sentimentalityRead more at location 741
Plato and Aristotle emphasized the character-forming nature of music partly because they thought of music as something in which we join. When we dance or march to music we move with it, just as we move with other people in a march or a dance.Read more at location 748
It will also explain the inseparability of form and content in music.Read more at location 756
Why is it that so many musical people deny the expressive character of music, and why is it that we find it difficult, and usually unnecessary in any case, to put the meaning of music into words-toRead more at location 758
When this recognition occurs listeners may have no words for what they recognize.Read more at location 761
Note: NO WORDS Edit
You are not merely noticing analogies between the movement of the music and some state of mind: you are entering into dialogue with it, fitting your own emotions to the rhythm that it conveys, as you might when experimenting with inter-personal sympathies,Read more at location 765
This explains something which many people have found puzzling: the attribution of moral virtues and vices to purely abstract music. The `heroic' quality of Beethoven's Fifth, the `sentimentality' of Tchaikovsky's Sixth, the `narcissism' of Skryabin's `Prometheus' Symphony-and so on: all such judgements take on definite sense if we see them as reflections of sympathetic responses to musical movement.Read more at location 768
The invitation to sympathy that is uttered in the voice of pure music is one that we are eager to accept; but the slightest borrowing of some stock effect makes us doubt the voice's sincerity.Read more at location 771
In the second part of this book I hope to give some examples of what I have in mind.Read more at location 777
Note: ESEMPI Edit
This paragraph points towards an anti-realist theory of aesthetic judgement. This is what I try to give in Art and Imagination, op. cit. That anti-realism does not imply that moral or aesthetic judgements are merely `subjective' is well demonstrated by Simon Blackburn in Ruling Passions, London 1997. Read more at location 781

La politica delle quote fomenta gli stereotipi

Non si puo’ lottare contro gli stereotipi di genere e contemporaneamente per le quote rosa perché la seconda battaglia neutralizza necessariamente la prima.
E’ una conclusione che conoscono bene negli USA dove da decenni si tenta inutilmente l’integrazione razziale nei college agendo su entrambi i fronti: linguaggio politically correct e affirmative action.
Bastano pochi passaggi (ciascuno dei quali confermati da una caterva di studi) per portare a galla la ferrea logica sottostante.
1) La psicologia vede lo stereotipo come uno strumento conoscitivo per lo più accurato che prende in considerazione solo le informazioni rilevanti per gli scopi della persona che lo coltiva, tanto è vero che la razza viene esclusa nei contesti in cui non dà alcuna informazione utile.
2) Tendiamo naturalmente a separare i diversi e a dividerci tra “noi” e “loro” ma questo sempre su una base fattuale di fondo che ci renda utile la separazione introdotta. La divisione si dissolve poi qualora esista un problema comune che si affronta meglio collaborando.
3) Le quote razziali nelle Università americane si ottengono di solito abbassando la difficoltà dei test d’ingresso per i neri (se lo standard fosse unico il SAT medio di un asiatico sarebbe di 80 punti superiore a quello di un bianco medio e di 200 punti superiore a quello di un nero medio, una differenza che si fa sentire).
4) E’ dimostrato che nelle università i legami sono più intensi tra studenti di pari profitto.
5) Considerato quanto detto, in particolare il tipo di selezione all’ingresso, è naturale che tenda a formarsi un gruppo di studenti neri marchiato da stereotipi negativi potenti (anche se silenziati). Il problema è che si tratterebbe di stereotipi giustificati razionalmente proprio dalla politica del doppio standard.
Un meccanismo perverso come questo è chiaramente all’opera anche da noi dove non abbiamo problemi con la razza ma piuttosto con il genere. Presentarsi come “la presidenta” o “la sindaca” implica in chi giudica uno scetticismo  di partenza più o meno conscio, non a caso le quote rosa in politica si stanno affermando anche da noi. Ma anche laddove le quote derivino da una pressione sociale più che da una legge, l’allarme suona forte. Come non pensare al mondo del giornalismo?

mercoledì 3 agosto 2016


Read more at location 592
Note: 4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ tesi: la metafora è indispensabile x comprendere cosa sia la musica. gestalt: il tutto nn è la somma delle parti oggetto secondario: ciò che emerge dalle parti oggetto intenzionale: oggetto visibile solo grazie alla volontà e al esperienza pregressa immaginazione: facoltà che xcrpisce gli oggetti intenzionali quello che senti (suoni) e quello che immagini (movimento) seeing and seeing in immaginazione oggetti intenzionali: xcepiti con l immaginazione grazie a metafore. es: il volto di donna schizzato dall artista Edit
In The Aesthetics of Music I make the claim that musical movement (such as we hear in a melody) must be explained in spatial terms: the melody moves from one place to another in a one-dimensional continuum. I also claim that when melodies sound, nothing that we hear literally moves.Read more at location 592
You hear a succession of sounds, ordered in time, and this is something you believe to be occurring-something you `literally hear'. And you hear in those sounds a melody that moves through the imaginary space of music. This is not something you believe to be occurring, but something you imagine: just as you imagine the face in the picture, while seeing that it is not literally there.Read more at location 595
The literal perception and the imaginative perception can cohabit the same experience, since they do not compete.Read more at location 599
Your experience of the music involves the concept of movement, but it is a concept that is being metaphorically applied to what is literally a sequence.Read more at location 600
Malcolm Budd has mounted an interesting challenge to all that.' His argument seems to me to involve the following claims:Read more at location 602
Note: BUDD Edit
The concept of `double intentionality' stands in need of clarification. (b) It is not clear what is meant by saying that an experience `involves' a metaphor. Read more at location 603
Wollheim, for example, in Painting as an Art, offers us the distinction between seeing and seeing in, but stops short of clarifying how these radically different mental acts can actually be united in a single experience.Read more at location 611
Double intentionality arises when a mental state involves both belief and imagination: the first focused on realities, the second on what can be imagined in those realities. And because they belong to different orders of mental organization, beliefs and imaginings can co-exist, with a common focus, so that the one informs and controls the other: that, in short, is the origin of the `double intentionality' that governs our experience of art.Read more at location 623
Kant was probably the first philosopher to recognize that the empiricist account of experience is untenable, since experience has both a sensory and an intellectual component-thereRead more at location 626
However, we must distinguish sound from tone. The first is a physical event, occurring in the ordinary three-dimensional space in which we too exist. The second is an intentional object, one that we hear in a sound, but which has properties that no sound can have: for example direction, energy, a kind of internal `wanting', together with relations of attraction and repulsion towards other tones. Read more at location 636
When we hear music, three things occur. There is a vibration in the air; by virtue of this vibration we hear a sound, which is a `secondary object', heard as a pure event; and in this sound we hear an organization that is not reducible to any properties of the sound, nor to any properties of the vibration that causes it. As a result of hearing this organization we may also feel an urge to move in time to the music, to dance or sing along with it.Read more at location 655
Note: TRE COSE Edit
Note: A TEMPO Edit