venerdì 29 novembre 2013


L' anatema verso il brutto sarà anche un dovere... - Riccardo Mariani:

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L' anatema verso il brutto sarà anche un dovere ma è un dovere molto molto pericoloso. Ecco il triste spettacolo di cio' che spesso accade nella testa del censore:
"... If we build suburbs with yards and cul de sacs, away from the smoke and crowds of the city, as the twentieth-century Garden City movement advocated, labor and capital will live in peace... If we build new houses with porches, goes today’s New Urbanist reasoning, we’ll be neighborly like in the good old days. (Never mind that air-conditioning makes hanging out on the porch less necessary or desirable.) If we outlaw big garages, people will abandon their automobiles. If we build unusual houses, people will be tolerant. If we make a city exactly the way I want to live, EVERYONE WILL BE LIKE ME..."
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

Whole concert. Yann Tiersen - Live Aux Eurockéennes de Belfort (06-07-2001) 00:00 - Rue des Cascades,05:24 - La Terrasse, 08:47 - A Quai, 12:18 - Sur le Fil,15:29 - Le Banquet, 18:21 - La Noyée (Serge…
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La bellezza nel mirino dei nipotini degeneri di... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La bellezza nel mirino dei nipotini degeneri di Martin Luther King. Per i datori di lavoro è un incubo. Il caso degli Hotel:
“… If a charming or intelligent person can have an edge in the job market, why not a handsome or stylish one? Neither charm nor intelligence is distributed any more equally than good looks. But in the lawyer’s view, personal appearance is simply not a legitimate source of value outside a few conventionally artistic fields like theater or cinema… The essence of the job in a hotel, they insist, must have nothing to do with look and feel, which are extraneous considerations. A hotel shouldn’t use its staff to create an aesthetically pleasing environment or send signals about what sort of place it is…”
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Come nasce uno Stato

"Where do warlords come from? (My favorite political economy paper of the year)"

Medicalizzazione della vita

"Ritalin, bambini e sindrome adhd: il suo inventore sul letto di morte dice che e’ malattia inventata « Giù le Mani dai Bambini"

Reddito minimo x tutti

"A universal income is not such a silly idea"

Means testing

"Means-Testing and Behavioral Econ, by Bryan Caplan"

martedì 26 novembre 2013

Quanto rende investire sulla "cultura scientifica"?

Quanto rende investire sulla "cultura... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Il grande dono della Chiesa Cristiana

Il grande dono della Chiesa Cristiana al mondo... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista… “… when... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista…
“… when they aren’t denouncing surfaces as lies and illusion, cultural critics typically have one explanation for why we devote time, attention, and, most of all, money to aesthetics: It’s all about status…
The argument depends on the conviction that we do not want those expensive shoes or large homes because of any intrinsic qualities… we do not value the luxuries themselves—the soft leather of the shoes, the smooth granite countertop, the sculptural lines of the car, the drape and fit of the jacket—but just want to stand out, or at least not look bad, compared to other people.
… What if every product came in a plain black-and-white box—but one company invested in graphics and color? What if everyone wore drab Mao suits—but one person dressed with color, tailoring, and flair? People would, of course, be drawn to the aesthetic deviant, even though that nonconformity might well offend the reigning status hierarchy. This thought experiment suggests something at work besides status and one-upmanship… “
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

I due capitalismi

"... la tradizione italiana, fortemente... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La Grande Asimmetria

Asimmetrie... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Empatia verso gli animale ed empatia verso gli uomini

Foto del diario - Riccardo Mariani:

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domenica 24 novembre 2013

Le trappole del PIL

"GDP: A Bad Measure of Well-Being, by David Henderson"

sabato 23 novembre 2013

Ancora sull’ inafferrabile concetto di "intenzionalità"

Ancora sull’ inafferrabile concetto di... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Ieri ho visto finalmente "Il Petroliere" di PTA

Ieri ho visto finalmente "Il Petroliere" di PTA:... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Linguaggio e pensiero.

Linguaggio e pensiero. Meglio procedere coi... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La politica domina

La politica domina la geografia, la cultura, l'... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Crociate contro la superficie. Scuola di... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Crociate contro la superficie. Scuola di Francoforte, puritani e femministe cazziano capitalisti, cattolici e veline usando più o meno le stesse parole.
“… To such critics, form is dangerously seductive, because it allows the sensory to override the rational… An appealing package can make you believe that Nazis are good, or that colas are distinguishable... The very power of aesthetics makes its value suspect… “In advertising, packaging, product design, and corporate identity, the power of provocative surfaces speaks to the eye’s mind, overshadowing matters of quality or substance oiling the machinery of gratification and instant desire”… “hedonism, is the world of fashion, photography, advertising, television, travel. It is a world of make-believe”… Frankfurt School Marxists Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer… in commercial products… see ornament and variety not as goods that we value for their own sakes but as tools for creating false desire… Women’s fashion and fashion photography exemplify the same falsehood as advertising: “this task of selling illusions, the persuasions of the witches’ craft”… Preachers warned against women’s makeup, which “takes the pencill out of God’s hand,” defying nature and divine will. “What a contempt of God is this, to preferre the worke of thine owne finger to the worke of God?” exclaimed one writer condemning cosmetics… Naomi Wolf advocates “civil rights for women that will entitle a woman to say that she’d rather look like herself than some ‘beautiful’ young stranger.” Wolf praises the “female identity” affirmed by women who refuse to alter their appearance with makeup, hair dye, or cosmetic surgery: “a woman’s determination to show her loyalty—in the face of a beauty myth as powerful as myths about white supremacy—to her age, her shape, her self, her life.” Except those born with exceptional natural beauty, authenticity and aesthetics are, in this vision, inevitably at odds. Remaining true to oneself means eschewing artifice…
... This reasoning combines the oversimplified Maslovian idea, “aesthetics is a luxury,” with a puritanical conviction that luxury is waste...
… The claim is unfalsifiable, since the more we try to proclaim the real value we attach to look and feel, the more we demonstrate just how duped we are… Viscerally, if not intellectually, we’re convinced that style does matter, that look and feel add something important to our lives. We ignore the preachers and behave as if aesthetics does have real value. We cherish streamlined artifacts, unconcerned that they do not really move through space. We find spiritual uplift in pageantry and music… If you don’t know how to dress, then what else don’t you know? Do you know how to advise students or grade papers? The clothes are part of the judgment of the mind…
Aesthetics is not a luxury, but a universal human desire. Those anticapitalists who criticize markets for luring consumers into wanting more than their basic needs, and those capitalists who scoff at aesthetics for detracting from serious work, are missing a fundamental fact of human nature… Good Design is not about the perfect thing anymore, but about helping a lot of different people build their own personal identities…
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness by Virginia Postrel
Joe Sachse - Solo Live @ Störtal, Banzkow, BRD © 2012 Joe Sachse
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Con l’ invenzione della “moda” il persuasore... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Con l’ invenzione della “moda” il persuasore occulto vende ogni anno tonnellate di merce al consumista beota:
“… but we find fashion patterns in goods for which there is no commercial market... Historian Anne Hollander notes that fashion in clothing has existed for eight hundred years, centuries longer than the apparel business. The shifty character of what looks right is not new, and was never a thing deliberately created to impose male will on females, or capitalist will on the population, or designers’ will on public taste…
… Nobody runs ads to convince parents to choose Emily or Joshua for their newborns. No magazine editors authoritatively dictate that “Ryan is the new Michael.” But names still shift according to fashion. Name choices, like clothing choices, are influenced by the desire to be different but not too different…
… Contrary to common assumptions about how fashion works, Lieberson finds that names don’t trickle down in a simple way from high-income, well-educated parents to lower-income, less-educated parents. Newly popular names tend to catch on with everyone at about the same time. External influences, such as the names of celebrities or fictional characters, do play a role in what’s popular. But cause and effect are complicated. Fictional characters don’t just publicize possible names; their creators, like new parents, select those names from the current milieu…"
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

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EAAN (Evolutionary argument against naturalism)

EAAN (Evolutionary argument against naturalism):... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista… “… when... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista…
“… when they aren’t denouncing surfaces as lies and illusion, cultural critics typically have one explanation for why we devote time, attention, and, most of all, money to aesthetics: It’s all about status…
The argument depends on the conviction that we do not want those expensive shoes or large homes because of any intrinsic qualities… we do not value the luxuries themselves—the soft leather of the shoes, the smooth granite countertop, the sculptural lines of the car, the drape and fit of the jacket—but just want to stand out, or at least not look bad, compared to other people.
… What if every product came in a plain black-and-white box—but one company invested in graphics and color? What if everyone wore drab Mao suits—but one person dressed with color, tailoring, and flair? People would, of course, be drawn to the aesthetic deviant, even though that nonconformity might well offend the reigning status hierarchy. This thought experiment suggests something at work besides status and one-upmanship… “
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel
The radio microphones were present at a Boston Symphony Orchestra concert at an extraordinary…
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mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

Ne uccidono quanti ne salvano

Secondo Robin [Hanson], i soldi che spendiamo per l' assistenza sanitaria sono sprecati: giacché i medici uccidono tante persone quante ne salvano, vivremmo altrettanto a lungo anche senza di loro. Sa un po' di follia, ma i dati non mostrano alcuna correlazione, a livello internazionale o nazionale, tra spesa sanitaria e speranza di vita.

Tyler Cowen  Discover your inner economist

Competizione tra donne

"A Cold War Fought by Women -"

Le condizioni lavorative durante la rivoluzione industriale

"Koyama on Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution, by Bryan Caplan"

Dilemmi per la sinistra.

Dilemmi per la sinistra: lottare contro le... - Riccardo Mariani:

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A proposito di “prezzi su misura”.

A proposito di “prezzi su misura”. Com’ è noto,... - Riccardo Mariani:

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In treno con savinio

Le gioie di non essere scrittore (che sono poi... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Una visione cinica dell’ altruismo

Una visione cinica dell’ altruismo: “Why is... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Scannerizzando cervelli di uomini e animali

Scannerizzando cervelli di uomini e animali…... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La strana alleanza tra animalisti e anti-abortisti

La strana alleanza tra animalisti e... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Consideri l’ animale alla stregua di una persona? C' è un problema per te.

Consideri l’ animale alla stregua di una... - Riccardo Mariani:

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