venerdì 6 settembre 2013

Battaglia sull' immigrazione

Rita Vergnano -

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Blog posts that sum up Caplan’s position on open borders

The following blog posts give a bird’s eye view of Caplan’s case for open borders.


Amazon Kindle: A Highlight and Note by Riccardo Mariani from The Missing Risk Premium: Why Low Volatility Investing Works:

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Infinite Jest

Amazon Kindle: Infinite Jest (Einaudi. Stile libero big) (Italian Edition):

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Teologie e giornate di merda

giovedì 5 settembre 2013

Stato d' ansia

Le richieste degli homeschooler and the

Il berlusconismo

(1) L’età contemporanea, secondo Oakeshott, è stata... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Summarize economic libertarianism in one lesson

(4) If I had to summarize economic libertarianism in... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Violenza di genere: un' opinione fuori dal coro a sinistra - Riccardo Mariani:

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Are libertarians themselves unusually selfish?

Are libertarians themselves unusually selfish?... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Falchi o colombe?

(2) Foto del diario:

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martedì 3 settembre 2013

Omosessualità e genetica

J. Michael Bailey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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Do libertarians believe everyone is selfish?

Do libertarians believe everyone is selfish?... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Are libertarians individualists?

Are libertarians individualists? Yes.... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Liberi di peccare

Do libertarians think our only moral duty is to... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Syria and the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention

Syria and the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention | Bleeding Heart Libertarians:

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Orrore ovunque

(1) What I Discovered: the Ubiquity of Terror...... - Riccardo Mariani:

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The New Neuro-Skeptics

Adam Gopnik: The New Neuro-Skeptics : The New Yorker:

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lunedì 2 settembre 2013