Visualizzazione post con etichetta robin hanson age of ems. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta robin hanson age of ems. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 ottobre 2016

L'amore ai tempi dell'intelligenza artificiale

Secondo Robin Hanson i robot del futuro saranno macchine con un cervello umano scannerizzato ed eventualmente implementato nella velocità.
Nella loro vita il lavoro sarà centrale e la riproduzione avverrà senza limiti tramite back up. Presumibilmente l’emulatore tipico sarà un lavoratore eccellente (i cervelli scannerizzati saranno selezionati con cura) ma guadagnerà pochissimo vivendo in povertà (il numero elevato rinverdirà le leggi malthusiane).  Ma come sarà la vita amorosa di questi esseri?
In assenza di una necessità riproduttiva, e temendo che l’amore possa essere fonte di distrazione per l’impegno lavorativo, molti di loro si faranno castrare
… As the em world is a very competitive world where sex is not needed for reproduction, and as sex can be time and attention consuming, ems may try to suppress sexuality, via mind tweaks that produce effects analogous to castration…
Le virtù sociali del castrato sono ben note…
… castrated males have tended to have lower libido, to be less aggressive and obsessive, to be better able to multi-task, and to be more sensitive, sympathetic, and social…
Ma poiché sesso e amore sono profondamente connaturate nei cervelli scannerizzati, sarà difficile eliminarne del tutto l’importanza, almeno da un punto di vista ricreativo.
La realtà virtuale offrirà degli sfoghi a basso costo…
… Alternatively, it is possible that cheap vivid romantic and sexual simulations will sufficiently satisfy pair-bonding urges, so that little demand remains for pair-bonding with real ems (Levy 2008; Brain 2012)…
Le preferenze saranno quelle tipiche del cinquantenne: il picco produttivo si ha intorno a quell’età quindi si presume che la masse degli ems saranno cinquantenni…
… Since most ems are near a peak productivity age of 50 or more, em sexual and mating inclinations tend to be those of people with that mental age, and yet with ideal bodies and stamina…
La ricerca del partner sarà più accurata viste le maggiori info a disposizione e la maggiore capacità di elaborazione delle stesse…
… Because of clan-based access to data on the experiences of millions or more other copies of themselves, ems from large clans know much better than we do which other ems are likely to be receptive to their romantic or sexual overtures…
La tattica open source (“ci provo con tutte poi scelgo il meglio tra chi ci sta”) farà molti proseliti: è razionale e gli ems sono molto razionali…
… ems may choose to be open-source lovers. That is, they may be willing to enter into short- or long-term relationships with a wide range of partners, as long as (1) some minimal treatment standards are met, (2) their partner pays for their time to exist, and (3) an initial trial finds a sufficient “spark” between them…
Gli emulatori donna saranno particolarmente inclini all’open source poiché per loro la qualità in amore conta di più…
… An em choosing an open-source lover could often choose one of the very best such lovers in the worlds, according to their preferred criteria. This is likely to be a more attractive option for females, who tend to have stronger preferences for mate quality…
matrimoni di lunga durata saranno frequenti poiché tipici delle persone produttive e povere, proprio lo stato dei robot…
… If ems form marriage-like long-term pair bonds, such bonds may last longer subjectively than do such relations today. Two weak reasons to expect this are (1) ems are more productive and more productive people divorce less today, and (2) the em world is poorer, and divorce has increased with increasing wealth and falls during economic downturns (Baghestani and Malcolm 2014)…
In un mondo iper-specializzato, senza problemi riproduttivi e incentrato sul lavoro il matrimonio tra simili prevarrà rispetto a quello tra diversi che si ripartiscono i ruoli all’interno della famiglia. Molti amori nasceranno tra le copie (coppie di copie)…
… Today, we often form romantic and other attachments that are specific to one individual, and which do not extend to other similar people. For example, people married to one member of an identical twin pair usually claim to have weak or no romantic feelings for the other member of the pair. This desire to attach to just one person might be thwarted, or at least complicated, by close em copies. Perhaps ems could learn to treat close em copies as exactly the same person for the purpose of attachments…
matrimoni combinati decolleranno: funzionano bene già oggi e funzioneranno ancora meglio quando informazioni ed elaborazione saranno ulteriormente implementate…
… As arranged marriages seem to work out well today (Regan et al. 2012), the fact that em matchmaking seems more effective suggests that many em pair bonds may be arranged or heavily assisted, and work out even better than do our marriages…
Le differenze di genere sono maggiori laddove sul lavoro conta la forza e nelle classi più ricche. Tra i robot diminuiranno visto che sono poveri e svolgono un lavoro per lo più intellettuale…
… Gender differences in personality seem to be stronger in richer societies, as well as in cultures whose ancestors used the plow, which required more physical strength (Alesina et al. 2013; Marcinkowska et al. 2014). So we weakly expect gender role differences to become weaker in a poorer em world where physical strength matters less…
Molte caratteristiche attrattive non varieranno molto rispetto ad oggi: gli uomini apprezzano la bellezza fisica, le donne il successo sociale…
… Ems also continue to prefer physical good looks, such as body symmetry, smooth skin, and muscle tone. These features should be very easy to obtain, however. Ems will also tend to prefer ems with minds that are high-status, kind, understanding, dependable, sociable, stable, and smart… We expect men to prefer females with signs of nurturing inclinations and fertility, such as youthful good looks, and we expect women to prefer men with signs of wealth and status, and their future indicators such as intelligence, ambition, and an inclination to work hard (Schmitt 2012)…
Lolite e toy-boy latiteranno…
… female ems less often have the youthful mental styles that often attract males. With far fewer children to raise, females have fewer occasions to develop and show nurturing inclinations. Available males are less often rich or have especially attractive artistic abilities, such as music, art, and story telling…
Lo sbilancio di genere nella richiesta di lavoratori inciderà sulle relazioni amorose degli emulatori. E’ difficile però stimare il segno di questo sbilancio.
Le donne sembrano più predisposte al lavoro duro in assenza di status, una condizione in cui saranno gli emulatori…
… There are some indications that women have historically worked harder and more persistently in hard-times low-status situations, which seem similar in some ways to the em world…
D’altro canto, gli uomini sembrano adattarsi meglio alla competizione sfrenata, un’altra caratteristica tipica dell’economia futura…
… The em world is more competitive, and women tend to perform worse when they frame their interactions as competitive (Niederle 2014)…
Sia come sia un forte sbilancio ci sarà e quindi anche la forte prevalenza numerica di un genere sull’altro. Tutto cio’ verrà compensato con pratiche come poliamore, poligenia, poliandrai, omosessualità
… An unequal demand for male versus female workers could thwart em desires for romantic male-female pair bonds. The em world might substitute polygamous or homosexual relations, or transgender conversions, either by selecting more for ems who prefer such things, or by cultures that encourage ems to choose such options…
L’omosessualità femminile prevarrà su quella maschile…
… homosexual ems may be preferentially female, as gay men earn less than other men today, while lesbian women earn more than other women…
Nel caso di forti sbilanci sarà inevitabile che emerga una quota importante di prostituzione, un po’ come nei paesi vicini al fronte o nei villaggi del west…
…A third option is for the more common gender to pay for the time of the less common gender, as has happened in past “frontier” towns with very large male to female ratios…

Chapter 23 Mating - hanson age of em

Chapter 23 MatingRead more at location 4911
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SexualityRead more at location 4913
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As the em world is a very competitive world where sex is not needed for reproduction, and as sex can be time and attention consuming, ems may try to suppress sexuality, via mind tweaks that produce effects analogous to castration.Read more at location 4914
on-off switch.Read more at location 4916
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castrated males have tended to have lower libido, to be less aggressive and obsessive, to be better able to multi-task, and to be more sensitive, sympathetic, and social.Read more at location 4916
eunuchsRead more at location 4917
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marry,Read more at location 4918
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sexRead more at location 4918
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Alternatively, it is possible that cheap vivid romantic and sexual simulations will sufficiently satisfy pair-bonding urges, so that little demand remains for pair-bonding with real ems (Levy 2008; Brain 2012).Read more at location 4922
Since most ems are near a peak productivity age of 50 or more, em sexual and mating inclinations tend to be those of people with that mental age, and yet with ideal bodies and stamina.Read more at location 4936
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Because of clan-based access to data on the experiences of millions or more other copies of themselves, ems from large clans know much better than we do which other ems are likely to be receptive to their romantic or sexual overtures.Read more at location 4937
Open-Source LoversRead more at location 4946
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other ems may choose to be open-source lovers. That is, they may be willing to enter into short- or long-term relationships with a wide range of partners, as long as (1) some minimal treatment standards are met, (2) their partner pays for their time to exist, and (3) an initial trial finds a sufficient “spark” between them.Read more at location 4947
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in search of a good spark.Read more at location 4950
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An em choosing an open-source lover could often choose one of the very best such lovers in the worlds, according to their preferred criteria. This is likely to be a more attractive option for females, who tend to have stronger preferences for mate quality.Read more at location 4963
Pair BondsRead more at location 4968
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If ems form marriage-like long-term pair bonds, such bonds may last longer subjectively than do such relations today. Two weak reasons to expect this are (1) ems are more productive and more productive people divorce less today, and (2) the em world is poorer, and divorce has increased with increasing wealth and falls during economic downturns (Baghestani and Malcolm 2014).Read more at location 4970
Today, we often form romantic and other attachments that are specific to one individual, and which do not extend to other similar people. For example, people married to one member of an identical twin pair usually claim to have weak or no romantic feelings for the other member of the pair. This desire to attach to just one person might be thwarted, or at least complicated, by close em copies. Perhaps ems could learn to treat close em copies as exactly the same person for the purpose of attachments.Read more at location 4979
As arranged marriages seem to work out well today (Regan et al. 2012), the fact that em matchmaking seems more effective suggests that many em pair bonds may be arranged or heavily assisted, and work out even better than do our marriages.Read more at location 4992
GenderRead more at location 5005
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Ems also continue to prefer physical good looks, such as body symmetry, smooth skin, and muscle tone. These features should be very easy to obtain, however. Ems will also tend to prefer ems with minds that are high-status, kind, understanding, dependable, sociable, stable, and smart.Read more at location 5007
We expect men to prefer females with signs of nurturing inclinations and fertility, such as youthful good looks, and we expect women to prefer men with signs of wealth and status, and their future indicators such as intelligence, ambition, and an inclination to work hard (Schmitt 2012).Read more at location 5010
Gender differences in personality seem to be stronger in richer societies, as well as in cultures whose ancestors used the plow, which required more physical strength (Alesina et al. 2013; Marcinkowska et al. 2014). So we weakly expect gender role differences to become weaker in a poorer em world where physical strength matters less.Read more at location 5016
female ems less often have the youthful mental styles that often attract males. With far fewer children to raise, females have fewer occasions to develop and show nurturing inclinations. Available males are less often rich or have especially attractive artistic abilities, such as music, art, and story telling.Read more at location 5024
Gender ImbalanceRead more at location 5030
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The em economy may have an unequal demand for the work of males and females.Read more at location 5031
There are some indications that women have historically worked harder and more persistently in hard-times low-status situations, which seem similar in some ways to the em world.Read more at location 5033
The em world is more competitive, and women tend to perform worse when they frame their interactions as competitive (Niederle 2014Read more at location 5036
An unequal demand for male versus female workers could thwart em desires for romantic male-female pair bonds. The em world might substitute polygamous or homosexual relations, or transgender conversions, either by selecting more for ems who prefer such things, or by cultures that encourage ems to choose such options.Read more at location 5038
homosexual ems may be preferentially female, as gay men earn less than other men today, while lesbian women earn more than other women.Read more at location 5042
A third option is for the more common gender to pay for the time of the less common gender, as has happened in past “frontier” towns with very large male to female ratios.Read more at location 5043
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