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giovedì 9 marzo 2017

Mors tua vita mea: tutti i vantaggi della violenza

Gli indiani Yanomamö vivono nell’ Amazzonia al confine tra Brasile e Venezuela. Costituiscono per gli antropologi un caso più unico che raro poiché non hanno mai avuto contatti con la civiltà moderna. Guardando loro guardiamo all’uomo primitivo che eravamo (e impariamo molto).
Il loro più importante studioso è stato Napoleon A. Chagnon che ha sintetizzato la sua esperienza trentacinquennale nel libro – bellissimo quanto ostracizzato - “Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes -- the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists”.
Fino agli anni cinquanta la loro esistenza era addirittura sconosciuta. Saranno stati in  20.000 anime che vivevano dispersi in 250 villaggi indipendenti sempre in guerra tra loro.
NC arrivò in Amazzonia presso gli Y nel 1964. Allora il governo li trascurava completamente, giusto qualche sporadica distribuzione di pillole antimalaria.
I loro territori erano poco accessibili poiché vivevano lontani dai grandi fiumi.
I primi a contattarli (come sempre)…
… newly arrived mission groups who came to convert them to Christianity…
NC spiega la sua presa di contatto
… I made a small mud-and-thatch hut next to one of the recently contacted villages and started to learn the Yanomamö language…
Tornò regolarmente degli anni successivi ma il periodo di residenza più importante andò dal novembre 1964 al marzo 1966. Un periodo di notevoli rischi e avventure. Un tempo l’antropologo che lavorava sul campo viveva in isolamento per mesi interi, oggi chiama regolarmente casa ogni giorno.
Raggiungere i nostri eroi richiede almeno sei ore di canoa dall’ultima postazione civile sull’ Orinoco. Ma il difficile è vivere con loro…
… The Yanomamö were fascinating, wild, and very difficult to live with, especially when you were the only one of your kind…
Si tratta di persone dure, anche se si trasformano se catapultati in contesti a loro estranei, per esempio le “vicine” missioni di Padre Luigi Cocco
… they quickly learned to modify their habits and could be very cooperative and even charming in small numbers…
Ad ogni modo, oggi, non sono più quelli di una volta…
… ruined by creeping civilization and increased contact with the “outside world.”… Latecomers denounce me because the Yanomamö they visit at Salesian or other missions today are not the same kinds of Yanomamö I first…
I selvaggi vivono in uno stato di guerra perenne
… The Yanomamö were one of the last remaining large tribes that were still locked in intervillage warfare, struggling to maintain their independence, security, and safety from the ever-possible unexpected attacks by their Yanomamö neighbors…
NC è stato testimone di questa eterna lotta tutti contro tutti
… I would be one of the last eyewitnesses to the political, social, and military struggles that repeatedly occurred among the Yanomamö… I also learned about many more wars…
Si tratta di un warfare probabilmente tipico dell’uomo primitivo.
Si tratta di uno stadio di transizione
… These people were involved in a barely perceptible transition from “primitive” to “complex.”…
Finora lo conoscevamo solo grazie all’archeologia. Ora possiamo guardarlo dal vivo.
L’approdo finale: lo stato
… terminated with the development of the political state and “civilization.”…
Oggi l’antropologia si è politicizzata e anche solo riportare certe scoperte puo’ essere pericoloso per la carriera di uno studioso…
… denounce earlier anthropologists in the name of political advocacy of native rights… because this older image of the Yanomamö does not conform to what the activists want to see…
L’ubiquità del terrore è la più grande scoperta fatta vivendo con Y.
Oggi siamo ansiosi per i terroristi islamici? Crediamo forse di vivere un periodo particolare della storia umana?
Sbagliato: lo stato d’ansia presso Y è lo stato naturale. La morte puo’ arrivare da un momento all’altro per mano del vicino.
L’errore di Rousseau: pensare all’innocenza del buon selvaggio…
… Rousseau never used the phrase “noble savage” (or “the good savage,” as it is sometimes translated) in his best known work, The Social Contract (1762), but the concept he described—that humans in the state of nature were blissful, nonviolent, altruistic, and noncompetitive and that people were generally “nice” to each other—was soon given that name…
Si tratta di un idealismo illusorio
… One point I emphasize in this book is that our assumptions about the alleged social tranquility of the past may be idealistic and incorrect…
La vita dei nostri antenati era ben diversa…
… Life in the societies of ancient past—the “Stone Age”—appears to have been decidedly uncertain and fraught with danger, mostly from neighboring peoples who seemed to be ever willing to fall upon you when you least expected it—and this possibility was never very long out of your mind…
E’ Thomas Hobbes – e non Rousseau - lo studioso che meglio ha descritto questo stadio primitivo della vitta umana…
… short, nasty, and brutish…
Le discipline scientifiche sono sempre in cerca di una grandezza da “massimizzare” per rendere coerente il loro discorso…
… In economics, for example, maximizing profit… In political philosophy it might be maximizing the greatest good… In biology it might be maximizing reproductive…
La vita con Y ci fa capire che l’uomo primitivo massimizza la sua sicurezza e lo fa attraverso la guerra e la violenza…
… He likened war to foul weather—not just a shower or two, but a persistent condition for extended periods of time, something chronic…
Si vive con una paura costante di attacchi dall’esterno. Rousseau e Hobbes hanno ricavato le loro tesi da una mera speculazione a tavolino ma ora abbiamo la possibilità di verificarle sul campo.
Questa verificata è stata avversata dal “politicamente corretto”…
… For many anthropologists who cling to Rousseau’s view of mankind rather than Hobbes’s, I am a heretic, a misanthrope, and the object of condemnation by politically correct colleagues, especially those who identify themselves as “activists” on behalf of native peoples because I describe the Yanomamö as I found them…
La forza dell’uomo è la sua capacità di cooperare. Ma purtroppo non si tratta di una capacità naturale…
… ability to live cooperatively in social groups is not “natural”… it is something that must be explained…
Va spiegata.
La miglior spiegazione l’ha fornita il biologo evoluzionista William D. Hamilton. Purtroppo la sua teoria della socialità non è stata presa molto sul serio in antropologia…
… reluctance of anthropological theoreticians and field researchers to take ideas from biology seriously…
Hamilton pubblicò il suo articolo nel 1964 sulla rivista Journal of Theoretical Biology. Effettivamente, una pubblicazione poco letta dagli antropologi.
Si notava che la cooperazione umana era radicata nella parentela
… frequently noted amity and favoritism characteristically found in kinship… In a very real sense, these “kinship behaviors” were in fact reproductive behaviors… Hamilton called his new concept “inclusive fitness,”… generally known as “kin selection”…
Per un biologo evoluzionista mettere al centro la parentela fu del tutto naturale: tra parenti condividiamo più geni
… related individuals share genes with each other,… For example, individuals share on average half (50 percent) of their genes with their siblings, they share one-fourth (25 percent) with their half-siblings, an eighth (12.5 percent) with their full cousins, etc….
Esemplare in questo senso l’uscita di J. B. S. Haldane
… “I’d lay down my life for eight cousins”… That’s because eight cousins would carry, on average, 100 percent of the genes that the person who laid down his life carried…
Ma l’antropologia si distrasse e non colse il punto di Hamilton. E dire che non parlava altro che di “parentele” (vedi Lévi Strauss).
E’ facile andare d’accordo tra parenti. Ma i parenti stretti sono pochi: comunità più vaste richiedono qualcosa in più rispetto alla parentela…
… It is easy to get along with your neighbors when there are only a few dozen of them in your band or village and most of them are close kin—brothers and sisters, or dependent juveniles like your children, nephews, and nieces…
Il passaggio dalla centralità della parentela alla centralità della Legge astratta è la transizione illustrata da Y…
… Large, politically complex societies emerged only after—or as a consequence of—the replacement of kinship institutions and nepotism by other institutions, by what Hobbes called the power that keeps men in awe, namely, the political state and law…
Si capisce meglio perché i primi antropologi fossero avvocati o comunque esperti di giurisprudenza: perché il periodo della transizione corrisponde ad una scoperta della Legge.
L’uomo primitivo non ha istituzioni politiche, deve crearle…
… most of the peoples in the newly discovered worlds of central Africa, Polynesia, Melanesia, Australia, and the Americas lacked what we have come to know as the political state and the law…
Ci sono due canali attraverso i quali si presenta l’esigenza di autorità e leggi.
Primo: un gruppo più vasto è anche più potente e sicuro
… larger villages are more secure than smaller… as the group increases in size from, say 40 to 80 people, the role that political leaders (headmen) must play in keeping order increases… tasks become more difficult as village sizes get larger—150 people…
Secondo: i conflitti risolti con la secessione dei dissidenti diventano problematici allorché il territorio diventa fittamente popolato…
… the presence of potentially hostile neighbors inhibits village fissioning, keeping people at home where disputes and arguments increase, but also helping the village to survive as a group in a political situation…
La nuova soluzione escogitata è semplice: la tirannia. Un capo o una casta ristretta link) legittimata ad usare violenza sui membri del gruppo.
Ecco, Y illustrano questo stadio dell’umanità in modo vivido…
… When villages get even larger, say 200 people, headmen can become oppressive and tyrannical…. Some of the Yanomamö villages I lived in contained close to 300 people… political leaders in these villages were extremely harsh men…
 Yanomamö dance

mercoledì 8 marzo 2017

intro- Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes -- the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists by Napoleon A. Chagnon

Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes -- the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists by Napoleon A. Chagnon
You have 229 highlighted passages
You have 49 notes
Last annotated on March 7, 2017
IntroductionRead more at location 48
Note: Y è tutto ciò che un antropologo sogna: una comunità intatta e da sempre isolata dal resto dell'umanità... Quanto era dura la vita dell'antropologo a quei tempi: mesi senza un contatto... La guerra infinita dei Y. La vita presso i Y è ansiosa carica di terrore di imprevisti violenti. Domina il pericolo e spesso il portatore è il ns vicino. Hobbes è stato buon profeta ed è incredibile come persino alcuni antropologi possano preferorgli Rousseau.... La cooperazione tra uomini nn è naturale: va spiegata. La biologia ci ha provato con divrse teorie ma gli antrpologi o erano distratti o facevano finta di nn ascoltare... Hamilton: l'uomo collabora privilegiando i familiari: ciò è compatibile con la massimizzazione della sua prole. "Un figlio vale otto cugini"… Lo studio di Y è una conferma della kin selection di Hamilton. Quando il gruppo è famiglia allargata ok. Quando si estende sorgono conflitti e scissioni. Tuttavia se le vicinanze sono occupate la scissione nn si realizza e i conflitti sorgono sia dentro che fuori... Come nasce la politica e lo stato? Quando la scissione è impissibile bisogna vivere in conflitto cosicchè lo stato viene visto come il male minore. Oltre al fatto che un villaggio grande è più potente di un piccolo villaggio... Quando il villaggio supera le 200 unità il capo - che vanta una parentela diluita - adotta metodi tirannici... La massimizzazione della sicurezza. Ecco la teoria che megio descrive il mondo primitivo. Meglio di Darwin (max prole) e meglio di Smith (max profitto)... Il gruppo sembrava nel bel mezzo di una transizione (dalla caccia all'agricoltura).. Le denunce ricevute. NC accusato di aver corrotto i primitivi. La svolta p.c. dell'antropologia. L'ubiquità del terrore mal si conciliava con l'immagine del buon selvaggio INTRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Edit
In the BeginningRead more at location 49
Note: t Edit
Yanomamö IndiansRead more at location 50
the last major tribe living freeRead more at location 51
border between Venezuela and Brazil.Read more at location 53
Until the 1940s and 1950s the Yanomamö were largely unknownRead more at location 54
twenty thousandRead more at location 56
250 different, small, independent villagesRead more at location 56
I arrived among the Yanomamö in 1964,Read more at location 59
dispense antimalaria pillsRead more at location 61
Yanomamö lived away from the larger rivers,Read more at location 63
newly arrived mission groups who came to convert them to Christianity.Read more at location 68
mission posts—aRead more at location 69
I made a small mud-and-thatch hut next to one of the recently contacted villages and started to learn the Yanomamö language.Read more at location 71
I have spent some thirty-five years of my academic life studying the YanomamöRead more at location 73
The field research was the aspect of anthropology I most enjoyedRead more at location 76
I returned to the Yanomamö some twenty-five or so times overRead more at location 77
from November 1964 through March 1966,Read more at location 79
My fieldwork entailed many adventures and risksRead more at location 82
Today most anthropologists can call home regularly,Read more at location 83
To do this I had to travel six hours in my canoeRead more at location 86
The Yanomamö were fascinating, wild, and very difficult to live with, especially when you were the only one of your kindRead more at location 88
Note: t Edit
Note: x DIFFICILE Edit
they quickly learned to modify their habits and could be very cooperative and even charming in small numbersRead more at location 90
Padre Luigi Cocco.Read more at location 92
ruined by creeping civilization and increased contact with the “outside world.”Read more at location 96
The Yanomamö were one of the last remaining large tribes that were still locked in intervillage warfare, struggling to maintain their independence, security, and safety from the ever-possible unexpected attacks by their Yanomamö neighbors.Read more at location 99
I would be one of the last eyewitnesses to the political, social, and military struggles that repeatedly occurred among the YanomamöRead more at location 103
I also learned about many more warsRead more at location 104
This process undoubtedly occurred many times in human historyRead more at location 106
These people were involved in a barely perceptible transition from “primitive” to “complex.”Read more at location 108
known only from historical archaeological studiesRead more at location 109
terminated with the development of the political state and “civilization.”Read more at location 111
Latecomers denounce me because the Yanomamö they visit at Salesian or other missions today are not the same kinds of Yanomamö I firstRead more at location 114
And anthropology itself has changed politically.Read more at location 115
denounce earlier anthropologists in the name of political advocacy of native rightsRead more at location 116
because this older image of the Yanomamö does not conform to what the activists want to see.Read more at location 117
What I Discovered The Ubiquity of Terror.Read more at location 119
Note: t Edit
Note: t Edit
We now live in a world where anxiety about terroristsRead more at location 120
We might think that this is something newRead more at location 121
Some might even lament the loss of pristine innocenceRead more at location 121
people were Noble Savages as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his followers imaginedRead more at location 124
Rousseau never used the phrase “noble savage” (or “the good savage,” as it is sometimes translated) in his best known work, The Social Contract (1762), but the concept he described—that humans in the state of nature were blissful, nonviolent, altruistic, and noncompetitive and that people were generally “nice” to each other—was soon given that name.Read more at location 124
Note: x ROUSSEAU Edit
One point I emphasize in this book is that our assumptions about the alleged social tranquility of the past may be idealistic and incorrect.Read more at location 128
Life in the societies of ancient past—the “Stone Age”—appears to have been decidedly uncertain and fraught with danger, mostly from neighboring peoples who seemed to be ever willing to fall upon you when you least expected it—and this possibility was never very long out of your mind.Read more at location 129
more like what Thomas Hobbes had in mind,Read more at location 132
short, nasty, and brutish.Read more at location 132
Security.Read more at location 134
Note: t Edit
“maximizing”Read more at location 134
In economics, for example, maximizing profitRead more at location 135
In political philosophy it might be maximizing the greatest goodRead more at location 136
In biology it might be maximizing reproductiveRead more at location 136
I discovered that maximizing political and personal security was the overwhelming drivingRead more at location 137
He likened war to foul weather—not just a shower or two, but a persistent condition for extended periods of time, something chronic.Read more at location 140
constantly worried about attacksRead more at location 142
derived entirely from speculation.Read more at location 144
But most anthropologists have never lived among people who are really primitive.Read more at location 148
Yanomamö lived as close to the “state of nature”Read more at location 150
Yanomamö I lived among had a certain kind of nobilityRead more at location 151
For many anthropologists who cling to Rousseau’s view of mankind rather than Hobbes’s, I am a heretic, a misanthrope, and the object of condemnation by politically correct colleagues, especially those who identify themselves as “activists” on behalf of native peoples because I describe the Yanomamö as I found them.Read more at location 153
and the demographic facts of life.Read more at location 156
Note: t Edit
ability to live cooperatively in social groups is not “natural”Read more at location 157
it is something that must be explained.Read more at location 158
reluctance of anthropological theoreticians and field researchers to take ideas from biology seriouslyRead more at location 163
William D. Hamilton,Read more at location 165
published in 1964 in the Journal of Theoretical Biology,Read more at location 165
frequently noted amity and favoritism characteristically found in kinshipRead more at location 168
In a very real sense, these “kinship behaviors” were in fact reproductive behaviors.Read more at location 169
Hamilton called his new concept “inclusive fitness,”Read more at location 170
generally known as “kin selection”Read more at location 170
related individuals share genes with each other,Read more at location 171
For example, individuals share on average half (50 percent) of their genes with their siblings, they share one-fourth (25 percent) with their half-siblings, an eighth (12.5 percent) with their full cousins, etc.Read more at location 172
enhance a full cousin’s reproductiveRead more at location 174
some of their own genes into the next generation.Read more at location 176
J. B. S. Haldane,Read more at location 176
Note: giù Edit
“I’d lay down my life for eight cousins. Read more at location 177
That’s because eight cousins would carry, on average, 100 percent of the genes that the person who laid down his life carried.Read more at location 177
This oversight in anthropologyRead more at location 178
It is easy to get along with your neighbors when there are only a few dozen of them in your band or village and most of them are close kin—brothers and sisters, or dependent juveniles like your children, nephews, and nieces.Read more at location 182
But it is not so easy to get along when your village growsRead more at location 183
Note: TRANSIZ Edit
because the only rules of cooperation and social amity are kinship rules,Read more at location 186
Large, politically complex societies emerged only after—or as a consequence of—the replacement of kinship institutions and nepotism by other institutions, by what Hobbes called the power that keeps men in awe, namely, the political state and law.Read more at location 187
That is also why almost all early anthropologists were lawyersRead more at location 189
most of the peoples in the newly discovered worlds of central Africa, Polynesia, Melanesia, Australia, and the Americas lacked what we have come to know as the political state and the law.Read more at location 190
the presence of potentially hostile neighbors inhibits village fissioning, keeping people at home where disputes and arguments increase, but also helping the village to survive as a group in a political situationRead more at location 193
size—larger villages are more secure than smallerRead more at location 195
Leadership and social cohesion.Read more at location 196
Note: t Edit
as the group increases in size from, say 40 to 80 people, the role that political leaders (headmen) must play in keeping order increases.Read more at location 197
tasks become more difficult as village sizes get larger—150 peopleRead more at location 199
threats and physical coercion to maintain orderRead more at location 200
When villages get even larger, say 200 people, headmen can become oppressive and tyrannical.Read more at location 201
Some of the Yanomamö villages I lived in contained close to 300 peopleRead more at location 202
political leaders in these villages were extremely harsh men,Read more at location 203
Political evolution.Read more at location 204
Note: t Edit
Yanomamö Indians represents just a single exampleRead more at location 206
key variablesRead more at location 214
The Yanomamö I studied seem to have made a few halting steps toward greater social complexityRead more at location 222
first steps toward the political stateRead more at location 224