Can intelligence explain the overrepresentation of liberals and leftists in American academia?
Si diventa "intellettuali di sinistra" perché più intelligenti?
"... individuals with so-called liberal or leftist views are overrepresented in American academia... intelligence can account for most of the disparity between academics and the general population on the issues of abortion, homosexuality and traditional gender roles. By contrast, it finds that intelligence cannot account for any of the disparity between academics and the general population on the issue of income inequality..."
Si prendono gruppi omogenei di popolazione notando se c'è correlazione tra opinioni su un punto (aborto, diseguaglianza) e intelligenza. A quel punto l'intelligenza diventa predittiva.
altra speigazione:
I have to believe that a lot of the over-representation comes from discrimination. If you ask left-wing academics, they will tell you that essentially all of the over-representation comes from intelligence. This tells you that they associate conservative beliefs with stupidity and are therefore almost certain to under-rate the intelligence of anyone who fails to chime in with the appropriate left-wing dogma when relevant topics come up in casual conversation. Arnold Kling